
“Home is where one starts from.” ~ T.S. Eliot

Separating from a partner is an exceptionally emotional and difficult time. Not only is there the stress of separating but you may also be choosing to sell your home. It may now be too big for just yourself and you want to make a fresh start and get on with your own life, or perhaps you want to move closer to your family. On the other hand you may decide that you do not want to leave your home and in this situation there are many different options available and we could help you choose which is best for you, if you want to sell your home fast for a quick sale.

The time taken to sell a property can go from weeks to months-even years and this can lead to even greater stress and strain on an already complicated situation. Arrangements need to be made so that you can to continue your payments on your home but the problem is that a lot of us are genuinely unable to keep up these repayments with a single income. In this situation there is “Sell and rent back” as a quick sale option which could be of interest to you if you are looking to remain in your property but can no longer handle the mortgage payments and would like to sell. If you would like to speak with us about you options for a quick sale then please contact us on 0800 0122334  or click here to email your details to us.



Gifford Hanson House,177 Forest Road West,Nottingham, NG7 4EL


0845 6520302

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