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Selling Your Property in 2022

1. Get your facts straightThe more you know about the local area and properties in that area, the better. This will help you make informed decisions throughout the selling process. It's important to be honest with yourself about what the property is worth and where you're willing to compromise.2. MarketingKnow your market, who's most likely to buy your house, and how much they can afford. The internet has made it easier for buyers to research properties online before deciding on a viewing, so take advantage of this by including high-quality photos and descriptions. When the potential buyers land on [...]

VAT When Selling a Commercial Property

Selling property can be an excellent way to make money, but it's important to know how Value Added Tax (VAT) applies when selling real estate.Understanding the rules and regulations surrounding VAT on property sales is essential, so we have compiled this guide to take you through what you need to know whether you should opt to charge VAT, whether owners of commercial property can opt to vat exempt, and whether an option to tax must be charged. Do I Need to Register for VAT When Selling Property? Presently, the UK's VAT registration threshold is established at £85,000. This implies that [...]

Hoxa Head – A Military Acquisition

Orkney consists of 67 separate islands, the central administrative island being Kirkwood.The islands are home to a number of historic UNESCO World Heritage sites. These include Iron Age relics and Knap of Howar on Papa Westray and dates back to the Neolithic period.In 995AD the islands were originally besieged by the Norwegian King, Olaf Tryggvassal, but it was Thorfinn the Mighty ruled throughout the islands.Along with his brothers and cousins, Thorfinn extended his empire across the sea from Dublin to Shetland. It was not until 1468 that Orkney was to come under Scottish rule. Orkney became a strategic site in [...]

HMO Buying Strategy

‘Using HMO lists to find BMV deals’ that will show you; Why ‘HMO Landlords’ want to sell How ‘Accidental Landlords’ want out of property A Study of how many landlords want to sell next and why Where to get area lists of HMO’s How to find home addresses of HMO Landlords Letters to send them – We will even give you our ‘Power Letter’ that gets responses! How best to position yourself as an expert as a ‘Property Consultant’ Just download our ebook ‘Using HMO lists to find BMV deals’ And we will show you how to find deals [...]

February Purchase: Industrial Warehouse and Land

Industrial Warehouse and Land The property acquired was a warehouse in close to St Helens town centre. This commercial property is located within easy access to Manchester and Liverpool. The Industrial warehouse, previously used to house aquariums and pets, is 0.19 acres in total. The site also had 20 shipping containers in a secure yard. The rationale for buying is based on the need for more warehousing, which are in short supply and this warehouse provided a unique ooportunity to acquire such a property. The property does afford the opportunity of development to a number of residential units. However, [...]

Commercial Mortgage Rates for Buy to let Property 2017 to 2018

Evolution of the Buy-to-Let Market Buying property is a relatively new phenomenon in the UK Prior to 1990 rental residential or commercial properties were dominated by the Government bodies. The private rental sector only began to emerge once the Government changed its housing policy in the 1980's and mortgage lenders started to introduce specialist buy-to-let home loans. During the post-war period of 1945 to 1980, the UK Government didn't push the private rented sector. A number of housing policies were in presence that stifled the possibility of common individuals making money from owning and leasing home to private [...]

How to Sell Land In India

How to Sell Land or Property In India - Sorry that was how to get robbed! I've been buying and selling property in the UK for now thirty years. Sadly my mother passed away in 2016 - God bless her beautiful soul - and I was left with sorting out the inherited land in India. This is where the nightmare begins! My mother had ensured that the land was transferred to myself and two other siblings. A will was written stating that the land would go to the sons and not the daughters. Well that in itself is proving [...]

What is Rent to Rent?

This arrangement entails an agreement usually in the form of lease where the landlord rents a property to an individual or company at a fixed rate. There a number of ways to sublet a property these range from guaranteed rental schemes through to company tenancies and lease agreements. The Rent –to-Rent scheme appeals to landlords who want ‘a hands’ off investment with a guaranteed rent and zero property maintenance. These landlords tend to be those who have had to move out of area or buy another property and do not want to manage a tenanted property. [...]

Check This Info Before Buying Commercial Property

Check This Info Before Buying Commercial Property The world of commercial real property is a vast place with a load of information that you will need wade through. What exactly qualifies a property to be a commercial property. Also, how are the rules and legalities different from private property to commercial property? This article will attempt to give you some great tips for understanding commercial real estate. Review all the current leases that are actually at a property before deciding to buy. It may be that the main source of income for the location is going to be moving out [...]

How to Sell My Land Quickly in 2021

When choosing to sell your land, there are a variety of things that come up when looking to get a valuation. For instance, location, the present condition from the housing industry, transport linkages, and physical attributes will all either add or take value from a bit of land. However, you will find none that play as big a job as planning permission/consent. You need to consider a number of factors; Land Prices - When valuing land you need to consider – Does it have planning permission or none! It’s usually a idea to speak to an expert and if [...]

How to Sell Your Property Faster

The property market has many properties waiting to be sold. So how do you ensure that your property will stand out and sell as quickly as possible. Before you put your property in the market, it has to go through the appraisal process. The type of appraisal you get will determine the period your house takes to sell. Therefore, ensure you get a high appraisal and your property will be off the market in no time! So how do you get that high appraisal? To begin with, make sure you impress your appraiser! Everyone will tell you that first [...]

How to Sell House Fast Without Taken Advantage Of

Real estate can be a difficult thing to understand. If you are not personally involved in this industry, or have an adequate amount of knowledge in regard to the way that the industry works, you could be taken advantage of when you want to sell house quickly. Typically, whenever a homeowner requires this type of service, they are in a bind and need to make some quick cash from the purchase of their home. Due to haste, there are a lot of homeowners who are taken advantage of. A lot of property buyers are only interested in squeezing every single [...]

How to Sell Your Home Faster in United Kingdom

Over the past few years, the property market in the UK has had its ups and downs. This results in propertyWilmington NC Curb Appeal market values increasing and then steadily decreasing. The good news is the market eventually corrects itself. Unfortunately, because of the fluctuations in the property market, there are a plethora of homes that are open attempting to attract a handful of buyers. If you want to sell your house fast, it is important that your home stands out from the latter. Curb Appeal: You not only want your property to look great on the inside, but it [...]

How Will Interest Rates Impact on Mortgages?

Need I state the obvious, but an increase in interest rates means and an increase in mortgage payments. The historically low rates means that most mortgagees have had the luxury of the extra pound or two in their wallets, but when will we all feel the squeeze again? The rate at which the economy has been growing and the level of investment going into industry has expanded at a greater rate than was expected.  An estimated 800,000 home mortgagees are in threat of not meeting their repayments. This affordability will only lead to debt misery and repossessions. Rates have [...]

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