If you are the owner of a public bar or more frequently termed as a pub and are looking to sell quickly then there are a number of factors that need to considered before you set about selling. You need to have in place a clear marketing strategy or deal with someone that does.
You will need to write an advert that drives people to call you. Using an timeless acronym AIDA
Attention – Get a headline that gets someone to look at your advert, with your audience in mind. If you’re a country pub your headline could read ‘Homely country pub seeking a warm couple to ease into retirement’.
Interest – Tell them a little about yourself and why you are selling; ‘The ‘PUB NAME’ is in the historic county of York. We have a large catchment of local people – young and old – that make this pub the place to be in any day of the week.
Desire – Get them to want to see it; ‘After years of loving relationship, our beautiful country pub needs a couple to enjoy the pleasure of serving our locals. We provide the best country ales and great food – which is the reason the ‘PUB NAME’ gives a great income, as well as lifestyle and a great price’.
Action – You need to tell them what to do next – Call, Email, or Text, for more information
Place your advert In a respected publication that targets the type of person that would want a pub. If you think a local person may be interested then advertise it in Gumtree, if that doesn’t work then look at Businessesforsale.com or if you don’t want anyone to know you are selling your business look at a transfer agent or a company like ours who buy property.
If your efforts do not result in any interest then you will need an agent.
Ask the agent if they have a list of prospective buyers, a good agent will have one. They will then survey your property and give you an estimated guide price. This price will consider
- Building – Freehold or Leasehold
- If leasehold
- How long does it have
- How much is it per annum
- If Freehold
- The value of the bricks and mortar
- Business turnoverand a breakdown of;
- Wet sales
- Food sales
- Fixtures and Fittings
There are obviously a lot more to consider – if you want a checklist of what you need to know before you sell just get it here.
The agent will then prepare sales particulars with professional photography.
They will list your business on their website. Any potential buyers will be vetted to determine proof of funds and how they will buy.
You then wait for a buyer.
If you are time poor then The Property Buyers will buy your pub. We ideally look for freehold property, but will consider properties with good leases. We look at the business as secondary proposition as our focus is on an exit strategy for your business.
Sell Pub Quickly
If you are looking to sell pub quickly then complete the form on the right hand site of this page to sell pub quickly or just call us for an informal chat or