Frequently Asked Questions for Cash Property Buyers
Our valuers and property buyers have a combined experience of over 75 years in Property. They will assess the condition of the property, its location, local market and how it will fit into our portfolio of properties. Against this we will make an offer which is open for three working days.
Our property portfolio is varied, ranging from commercial through to residential. In the main we look to let or develop the properties we buy quickly, however at times there may be good reason to sell them.
You will see on our website – Flats, Houses, Land – New Build and properties that require refurbishing, and also Commercial properties. In general we will consider anything to do with ‘bricks and mortar’.
Simply someone who can ‘put their money where their mouth is’ to buy your property fast. Many claim to be ‘Cash Buyers’ but before you work with them ask them to show you a statement from their bank or solicitors. Our purchasing power has taken hundreds of transactions and a portfolio which is worth millions of pounds – against this we can raise many more millions when required. Many ‘Cash Buyers’ rely on a network of individuals to create complex deals to buy properties because they themselves do not have the funds- on agreeing a deal ask the buyer to exchange in two days and complete within ten – it’s a great way to get rid of time wasters! If you want to know more about the Cash Buyers that operate in the property market please click here!
Goldman Hunter has spent well over a decade speculating in property which is why we have testimonials from our lenders – CLICK HERE–If we are not going to make an offer you will know within hours of our valuer visiting you -and should we reach this point we will advise you as to other solutions.
No! If the property is in poor condition then we will refurbish your home for you in an equity release scheme as a way of releasing money.
A quick sale can take anywhere from 7 to 10 days depending on the paperwork you can provide us with.
Usually, as long as there is some form of equity in the property.
Yes, we are quite happy to buy a property you have bought to let and have now decided to sell.
These are the kind of properties we relish buying. We have no problems buying a property where there is a long term tenant and sometimes this can even be a good situation for us.
An offer, once we have made it, is valid for a period of twenty eight days.
We typically buy at 25-30{% below market value of the valuation we are provided with. We arrange for a third-party independent valuer to visit your property free of charge. You have full access to the valuation provided.