Emigration New Zealand

Emigration New Zealand for those of us lucky enough to be starting afresh then New Zealand is the most popular up and coming destination for UK residents – not only does it promise a getaway from all the congestion and hustle and bustle of life in the UK but it also has some of the most beautiful scenery this side of the milky way – who could complain!

So there you are getting ready for this new chapter in you life – trying to decide if you really need that frying pan you got for your first anniversary or if you can just buy one over there. Some things are sentimental and need to be held on to; some things are sentimental yet no longer necessary.

Your home in the UK is sentimental – but no longer necessary. You have a new home, in a new country and a new life starting – a property may be sentimental but so too are memories. You don’t want those memories overshadowed by the stress of not being able to sell your property. There is always the worry that by placing your property on the market with an estate agent it may still be sitting vacant months after you have moved – in this case to the other side of the world. And how do you reasonably keep track of it from there. You may have family members who can co-ordinate the sale for you but things happen and people lose interest and motivation.

Your best option may be to sell your property quickly for a quick sale to a cash buyer. They can buy your home within 7 to 10 days and they can also provide you with the option of remaining in your home until the time has come when your flight is booked and you’re rushing to the airport. There is no foreboding feeling that you have forgotten to do something and there are no loose ends left to deal with.

If you would like to know if we can help you please contact us on 0800 0122334 or click here to email your details to us.



Gifford Hanson House,177 Forest Road West,Nottingham, NG7 4EL


0845 6520302

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