Emigration Canada

If you’re one of the people who have decided that the time has come to head for distant shores; you’re packing your bags and organizing your paperwork for those officials who shall welcome you then we are aware that you are excited and nervous, prepared for the unexpected and happy to move your life on to the next stage. You are also stressed and anxious, worrying about selling your home and not quite sure what your best option may be.

There is always the possibility that by placing it on the market with an estate agent you may be stuck with a property you simply can’t sell when you are no longer even in the UK – and how do you handle that?

We can help relieve the stress of selling you property at a time when you should be concentrating on your new life.

If you want to sell your house quickly for a quick sale then selling to a cash buyer may be the most suitable option for you. You won’t need to worry about leaving your property vacant for months because cash buyers can buy your property within 7 to 10 days leaving you safe in the knowledge that you have ticked one more thing off your ‘to do’ list. Using the Sell and Rent Back option you can also remain in your property whilst you are preparing to head off for your fresh start. This helps you in a time when you need as much security as you can get.

When you feel the time is right and you would like more information call 0800 0122334 or click here to email your details to us.



Gifford Hanson House,177 Forest Road West,Nottingham, NG7 4EL


0845 6520302

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