Buying Commercial Property Investments in 2021: 10 Things to Know

Buying residential property investments has been all the talk throughout the turn of the century, providing security above and beyond riskier investments such as shares and commodities.

The 2007 global financial crisis saw an end to that thinking, with many investors left in financial tatters and highlighting the risk of residential property investment.

Investment managers always discuss diversifying your investments in many other vehicles. So as property goes – is commercial property an good investment?

The questions to ask are;

  1. Is commercial property riskier than residential?
  2. Is it a better class of investment than equities, bonds, gilts, shares and etc?
  3. Is it a long term or short trading option?



Gifford Hanson House,177 Forest Road West,Nottingham, NG7 4EL


0845 6520302

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