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N. D, Nottinghamshire

I had been having financial difficulties for months and could see no way out of my problems. My friend told me about The Property Buyers and I decided to give it a chance. I spoke to an advisor who immediately put my mind at ease and informed me of the different solutions available. I chose to sell my house to the company and rent it back from them as a tenant, therefore solving all my money worries. They were efficient and helpful and I would recommend anyone to speak to the buyers if they are looking for a quick sale [...]

P and M Brindley

We had our property on the market nine months in Kirkby-in-Ashfield, just outside of Mansfield. We had set our heart on a home in Austria, near our grand-children and daughter. The vendors in Austria were wanting to move quickly and we had to get a quick house sale. We approached a number of Cash Buyers – but as we wanted the money in days and not in weeks, many could not buy our property for cash on the day they were able to get the Surveys and legals in a matter of days – three to be exact, they also [...]

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